The microwave in my first home was not the greatest heat conductor.
On a few occasions, we even found snow inside the microwave when it was snowing outside! Later when replacing the microwave, my family found that the appliance had no backing behind it, allowing us to see straight through to the backyard. This wasn’t a case of bad craftsmanship, but rather poor insulation.
Sometimes heating and cooling your home can feel like an uphill battle. No constant fiddling of the thermostat is able to bring your living space to the perfect temperature. But perhaps the problem lies within the walls of your home.
Insulation starts with a delicate balance of temperature inside the walls of your home. If there is too much insulation, the air is unable to leave the home, resulting in an uncomfortable climate. Yet if your house is not significantly insulated, it is very easy to lose precious heat in the winter.
However, that same air leakage in the summer is also detrimental and can account for as much as 99% of moisture movement in a structure. We often forget that any type of air movement contains moisture, so the air coming in and out of your home is bound to impact the structuring of the walls of your home. The number that you should aim towards for a perfect living condition is 50% humidity. At this temperature, humans can live comfortably with the added bonus of molds and mites being unlikely to thrive.
Before you can make insulation changes to your home, you need to first find out what insulation measures already exist. Schedule an energy assessment where an energy advisor can identify which areas of your home are in need of air sealing.
Once you take the steps to properly insulate your home, you will see a reduction in your energy bill. It is shown that through this process you will also notice an increase in sound control, reduction of allergens and pollutants, and a more comfortable living space.
Until you are able to make these steps, there are simple tasks you can make for a temporary fix. Make sure all windows and doors are shut tightly and sealed to prevent air from sneaking out. Running ceiling fans during the day can also help move air that is escaping.
The summer is winding down and the heating season will be here before you know it! And although it may seem romantic to sit by fires like it’s the 18th century, head colds are not something to sneeze at. Don’t suffer through a drafty winter… Insulate!
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