Your Guide to Buying Heating Oil

Understanding the intricacies of pricing, timing, and delivery options is crucial to making informed buying decisions for your home. Whether you’re a property owner, facility manager, or energy consultant, this guide to buying heating oil is designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed and responsible buying decisions.

Read along to gain a better understanding of heating oil and its uses.

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Understanding Heating Oil and Its Uses

Heating oil, also known as No. 2 fuel oil, is a common fuel source for residential and commercial heating. It’s made from petroleum and is often used in areas where natural gas is not readily available. The use of heating oil is particularly prevalent in the Northeastern United States. Here, the cold winters make it necessary to have a reliable and efficient heating source.

Heating oil systems work by heating the oil and circulating the resulting hot air or steam through the building. This process provides a comfortable indoor environment during the colder months. However, heating oil is not just for heating buildings. It’s also used in commercial settings for various purposes. These include generating power in plants and factories and fueling vehicles in certain industries.

Understanding the uses of heating oil is the first step in making informed buying decisions. It helps you assess your needs and choose the right supplier and delivery options. Keep reading your guide to buying heating oil to learn about the ins and outs of heating oil pricing.


The Factor of Heating Oil Pricing

The price of heating oil does not stay the same. It fluctuates based on a variety of factors, both global and local. Understanding these factors can help you anticipate price changes and make cost-effective buying decisions.

Heating oil prices are closely tied to the price of crude oil. This is because crude oil is the raw material from which heating oil is produced. When crude oil prices rise, heating oil prices typically follow suit. However, crude oil prices are not the only determinant of heating oil prices. Other factors, such as supply and demand, also play a significant role. For instance, during periods of high demand, such as the winter months, prices may increase.

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What Influences Heating Oil Prices?

Geopolitical events can significantly impact the price of heating oil. Conflicts or instability in oil-producing regions can disrupt supply, leading to price increases. On the other hand, an oversupply of oil can lead to price decreases.

Weather patterns also influence heating oil prices. Severe or prolonged cold weather can increase demand for heating oil, pushing prices up. On the other hand, mild winters can lead to lower demand and lower prices. Currency exchange rates can also affect heating oil prices. Oil is traded in US dollars on the global market. Therefore, changes in the value of the dollar can impact the price of heating oil.

Seasonal Trends and the Best Time to Buy Heating Oil

Seasonal trends play a significant role in heating oil pricing. Prices tend to be lower during the summer months when demand is low. They typically rise in the fall and peak during the winter months when demand is highest. Therefore, the best time to buy heating oil is usually during the summer. This strategy requires adequate storage capacity and the ability to pay for a large quantity of oil upfront. It’s also important to keep an eye on weather forecasts. An unexpectedly cold winter can drive up demand and prices, just like a mild winter can lead to lower prices.

Remember, buying heating oil is not just about finding the lowest price. It’s also about ensuring a reliable supply throughout the heating season. Therefore, it’s important to balance cost considerations with the need for a consistent and dependable supply.

Are you considering buying a home with heating oil, or currently have a home that uses it to heat your home? Read tips on our blog, “Buying A Home With Heating Oil: Things To Know.


Selecting the Right Heating Oil Supplier

Not all heating oil suppliers are equal. They can vary in terms of pricing, delivery options, contract terms, and customer service. Therefore, it’s important to consider these factors when comparing suppliers. Price is an important consideration, but it should not be the only factor. A supplier with slightly higher prices may offer better service or more flexible delivery options. Therefore, it’s important to look at the overall value offered by each supplier.

It’s also important to consider the reputation of the supplier. Look for reviews or testimonials from other customers. This can give you a sense of the supplier’s reliability and customer service.

Finally, consider the supplier’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Some suppliers offer biofuels or other environmentally friendly options. Choosing such a supplier can help reduce your environmental impact.

Shipley Energy heating oil delivery man smiling while filling a customer's tank.

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Supplier Evaluation Criteria

When evaluating heating oil suppliers, consider the following criteria. First, look at the price per gallon. This is the most straightforward comparison but remember to consider other factors as well.

Next, consider the delivery options offered by the supplier. Some suppliers offer automatic delivery, which can ensure a consistent supply. Others offer will-call delivery, which can provide more flexibility. Also, consider the contract terms. Some suppliers offer fixed price contracts, which can provide price stability. Others offer market price contracts, which can offer potential savings if prices fall.

Finally, consider the supplier’s customer service. Good customer service can make a big difference, especially if you encounter any issues or need assistance.


The Role of Customer Service and Support

Customer service is a crucial aspect of choosing a heating oil supplier. Good customer service can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. A supplier with excellent customer service will be responsive and helpful. They will be able to answer your questions promptly and resolve any issues quickly.

The customer care team can play a crucial role in heating oil buying. According to, Their research finds that 88% of customers say good customer service makes them more likely to purchase again. What’s more, 75% of customers forgave a company’s mistakes after receiving excellent customer service. This shows how impactful a customer care team can be for a business’ bottom line.

They can provide expert advice on a range of topics, from selecting the right supplier to optimizing energy efficiency. They can also help navigate the complexities of heating oil contracts. They can explain the terms of different contracts, helping consumers make informed decisions.

Customer service can also provide updates on market trends and technological advancements. This can help consumers stay informed and prepared for the future of heating oil. Moreover, good customer service can provide peace of mind. Knowing that your supplier is there to support you can make the process of buying heating oil less stressful.


Fuel Delivery Options and Their Impact

The delivery method you choose for your heating oil can significantly impact your experience. It can affect the consistency of your supply, your costs, and even your peace of mind. Therefore, it’s important to understand the different delivery options available.

Automatic delivery is a popular option. With this service, the supplier monitors your oil usage and schedules deliveries accordingly. This ensures that you never run out of oil, even during peak usage periods.

On the other hand, will-call delivery gives you more control. You monitor your own oil levels and call the supplier when you need a delivery. This can be more flexible, but it also requires more effort on your part.

Each delivery option has its pros and cons. Therefore, it’s important to consider your specific needs and circumstances when choosing a delivery method. Continue to read your guide to buying heating oil to learn about the different types of heating oil delivery options.


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Automatic vs. Will-Call Delivery

Automatic delivery offers convenience and peace of mind. The supplier takes care of monitoring your oil levels and scheduling deliveries. This can be especially beneficial during the winter months when usage is high.

However, automatic delivery may not be the best choice for everyone. If your oil usage is unpredictable or if you prefer to have more control, will-call delivery may be a better option.

With will-call delivery, you are responsible for monitoring your oil levels and scheduling deliveries. This requires more effort, but it can also provide more flexibility.


Understanding Heating Oil Contracts

Heating oil contracts can be complex but understanding them is mandatory when using heating oil. They can significantly affect your heating costs and the reliability of your supply. Fixed price contracts lock in a price for the entire heating season. This can provide price stability and protect you from price spikes. However, you won’t benefit if prices fall.

Market price contracts, on the other hand, allow you to pay the current market price for each delivery. This can provide potential savings if prices fall, but it also exposes you to price spikes. Some suppliers also offer capped price contracts. These set a maximum price you’ll pay but allow you to pay less if market prices fall. This can provide a balance of price stability and potential savings in heating oil plans.


Environmental Responsibility and Heating Oil

Heating oil, like all fossil fuels, has an environmental impact. It produces greenhouse gases when burned, contributing to climate change. Therefore, it’s important to consider environmental responsibility when using heating oil. Many heating oil suppliers are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact. They are offering low-sulfur and ultra-low-sulfur heating oil options, which produce fewer emissions when burned.

In addition, some suppliers are blending traditional heating oil with biofuels. These renewable fuels can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of heating oil. As a consumer, you can also take steps to reduce your environmental impact. This includes using heating oil efficiently and considering renewable alternatives. Keep reading your guide to buying heating oil to learn about the shift towards sustainable energy and its impact on heating oil.

The Shift Towards Sustainable Energy

The heating oil industry is evolving in response to the global shift towards sustainable energy. Many suppliers are now offering bioheat, a blend of traditional heating oil and renewable biofuels. Bioheat produces fewer emissions than traditional heating oil. It can also be used in existing oil heating systems, making it a practical option for many consumers. Read more about bio heat, here.

The shift towards sustainable energy is not just about reducing emissions. It’s also about energy independence. By using locally produced biofuels, we can reduce our reliance on imported oil.


Energy Efficiency and Heating Oil Systems

Energy efficiency is a key consideration when using heating oil. An efficient heating system can significantly reduce your oil consumption, saving you money and reducing your environmental impact. Regular maintenance is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of your heating system. This includes cleaning the system, replacing filters, and tuning the burner.

Upgrading to a modern, high-efficiency heating system can also improve efficiency. These systems use less oil to produce the same amount of heat, making them a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. In addition, you can improve your home’s insulation and sealing to reduce heat loss. This can further reduce your heating oil consumption and improve your home’s comfort.

Want to become an expert in all things heating oil? Check out these heating oil facts that we created, just for you!

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Preparing for the Future of Heating Oil

The heating oil industry is not unmoving. It’s influenced by a variety of factors, including global oil production, geopolitical events, and technological advancements. As a consumer, it’s important to stay informed about these changes.

Market trends can impact the price and availability of heating oil. For example, disruptions in global oil production can lead to price spikes. On the other hand, an oversupply of oil can lead to lower prices.

Technological advancements are also shaping the future of heating oil. New technologies are making it easier to monitor and manage heating oil consumption, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

Finally, government regulations and incentives can impact the heating oil market. These can include regulations on emissions, incentives for energy efficiency, and subsidies for renewable energy.


Technological Advancements and Market Trends

Technological advancements are playing a key role in the heating oil industry. For example, smart home technology can be integrated with heating oil systems to monitor consumption and optimize delivery schedules.

New heating oil delivery and monitoring systems are being developed. These systems can provide real-time data on oil consumption, helping consumers manage their usage more effectively. These technological advancements are not just improving efficiency. They’re also enhancing the customer experience, making it easier to manage heating oil usage and interact with suppliers.


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